I have been wearing Lululemon more than usual this year because of the pandemic but it makes me ready to workout, comfy, and i’m still looking like I am making effort to look cute. Here are my current favorites. I packed most of these items on our recent Big Bend Trip. Lululemon does not disappoint. EVER! If you want to see photos from trip and what I wore check out my Instagram @BuenoBrandi



First I just want to say that I love this girl. She is such a ray of sunshine. I love her energy. I love that she loves the Lord. I love her adventurous spirit. I love that her feed shoots out happiness and good vibes. She is such a great person to interview because there are so many layers to her. I was for sure intrigued when I met this gal. I know so many people are curious about her and her life because it really does seem like a dream. I have been fascinated with entrepreneurs for as long as I can remember, people with out of the box jobs, or anyone who starts over for the life they want. Kendall is the perfect person to kick off this little passion project of mine. So go grab your coffee, or (beverage of choice) and lets get to know the lovely Kendall Hannah.


Where are you currently residing, how long will you be there and why?

I live in Trinidad. A tiny little island in the Caribbean. I’ve been living here for just over a year now for my husband’s job. It was a huge decision, because it required me readjusting a lot (read: completely break down freak out) of my career, lifestyle, and friendships. But it has been a dream of Clint’s to live out of the country since we were teenagers, so when he got the offer, it was an immediate yes and a “I’ll figure it out later”.
Adventure is hella high on both of our “makes us feel alive” lists, so it ended up being a fit for us, even with the difficulties of an international move.
We’re moving to Mexico City within the next 6 months, and I couldn’t be more excited.
I’m not going to lie, 14 months isolated on an island was making me itch to be back in a city- and I wanted to be closer to home to make it easier for work. And then SURPRISE.. we’re pregnant. So, with our first babe on the way, we wanted to be on a short flight to family.
When Mexico City showed up on the table as somewhere Clint’s job might move us,  it ticked a lot of boxes. Even though I was like... wait are we doing this again?! OKAY... VAMANOS!
So you’ll have to come visit for a good margarita.

You mentioned that you will be using this time to write but other than that are you working on any projects? Are you still able to work?

Work looks a little different, since my full time job was doing videography + photography + content direction for brands when I was in Texas.
I obviously can’t be in person for those things on a regular basis anymore. So now, it’s working on projects that I can do from afar.
Right now, I codesign for our slow fashion brand, Of Myth and Muse. I am in the middle of recording a podcast on intuition + soul. And have been writing a lot.

I have more down time than I used to. Which is rad- I can cook and swim and I’ve significantly healed my nervous system (yo, we can run ourselves ragged and not even know it until we slow down!). But it’s also been one of the hardest seasons of my life, if I’m honest. I love what I do, so I love working- especially with other people! So I’ve really had to dig into the idea of “who am I without __________”? Insert: social events, certain work projects I miss, the ability to lead women’s groups, or even the ability to get my hair done with you girls when I want!

Life is always a trade off. And I think as long as we constantly seek to find who we are, under all the layers, the more adaptable we can be. Which gives us freedom to go where life leads us without fear.

If someone asked me Hey girl what does your friend Kendall do? I say... Well She created White Buffalo Project, she has a bomb diggity clothing line called Of Myth + Muse, She is a fantastic Writer, and she makes cool videos for Brands.

I mean, that’s probably way better than I would describe myself. I hate “what do you do” more than almost any other question. So now I just say something like, “drink coffee, mostly”.
I wish people would ask each other- “what’s something that makes you love your life?” Wouldn’t that be the best?

Do you have any advice to someone who knows they are made for more than the job that they are in but feels like they are stuck or they are scared to start over?
I think we often wait for someone paying us to validate our passions. The people I know who are doing what they love most- they usually started doing it on the side for free while in a job. They made step after step towards the life they wanted to be in, until they were there.
So I don’t think you have to just up and leave a job you don’t like (unless you’re blessed to have the luxury to do so), to do what you want.
Volunteer in that field. Make friends with people who do what you want to do. Join fb groups that align with the job you desire. Put your brave pants on and interview someone you admire in the field.
All the jobs I’ve had came from me doing what I love before I was paid, and someone with money connecting with the passion I have for doing it.


Where do you get most your inspiration from? and do you have a system to make these dreams and goals a reality?
I get most of my inspiration from the work of others. In and out of my field.
I can be hella inspired by a good film, beautiful music, or even a lawyer who does their work with passion.
I just love seeing people have the bravery to step into their lane- and what they produce by being there.
I think, for myself, the most valuable resource I have is accountability with others who dream. I think, as women, it’s so crazy easy to play small to make other people feel comfortable, so I really value having accountability partners who encourage me to rise to the occasion.
If you want to accomplish something, put yourself in accountability with someone who also has a dream and is committed to walking towards it. And I promise you will too.

What is something you struggle with in being an entrepreneur?
Woof. The constant steering of your own ship. Right now it’s corona, and being an entrepreneur is hard as hell with all the unknowns. You’re always having to be your own cheerleader, your own boss, your own motivation, your own EVERYTHING.
Listen, I loveeee me the freedom of that. And let’s just be honest, I don’t take direction particularly well. BUT it comes with all the intensely lonely moments of unknown.
Sis, I know you feel me on this one. Entrepreneurship ain’t for the faint of heart. But, it’s too late- we’re addicted.

Best advice you were ever given?
Don’t ever play the victim and watch your life become exactly what you want it to be.
And take your collagen peptides ladies!

Typical day in the life of Kendall ?
If I am at home, I am in a pretty solid rythymn of waking up around 6:30am, working out first thing or I won’t do it, having a slow morning of breakfast and coffee, and then the rest of the day is usually working on whatever is on my plate for the day! I like to change it up so I don’t start dreading my work.
I always wrap up around 6:30pm, and make dinner. Clint and I often do yoga together (just a 20 min wind down to stretch out) or watch netflix. I occasionally record podcasts at night- I like snuggling up with tea and lighting candles to just sink into the conversation with someone. Plus. I’m in the middle of the jungle so internet is crap. At night, I can have all the WiFi to myself so the calls don’t drop!

Who did you imagine wearing of Myth + Muse when you created it?
My partner, Emelia, started the brand. She had been designing for the line for several years, and I began with helping with modeling and photographing some material. I absolutely love fashion, and it ended up being such a great partnership. I never went to fashion school, so although I dreamed of working in fashion, I believed it wasn’t available to me. But I am able to design and be on creative, with Em making the visions come to life on the technical side. We design slow fashion pieces that are high quality and seasonless. Our vision was that everything we design be something you could pack in a suitcase on the fly and be ready for anything a trip (or life) throws at you, and you know you look and feel great. We made a limited edition beaded kimono, and that thing is as heavy as armor. But so fabulous. I can’t wait to give it to my future daughter and be like.. “your mom made this!”.

Dream Brands you would love to work with?
I really want to to continue to shoot videos for creative women run companies who want their story to be shared. Those are my favorite.

What is a current goal of yours that you are working on?
I want to write a book. I’ve been working on one, and it’s probably the most sacred/special personal project I’ve worked on, so I really hope it will be birthed one day. We’ll see.

How do you recharge so you don't burn out.
Unplug and get away from other people’s energy. I fully recharge by being completely unfettered to anyone else’s expectations. So I have to regularly get out in nature, go to the movies alone, take long walks, or even go travel alone. There is nothing more inspiring me to me than seeing a city without a single other person’s agenda. I can wander or nap or write and it doesn’t matter at all. How freaking yummy is that?

If you could have 7 people over to have cocktails/dinner with who would they be? Anyone in he world.

You, because you’d have the best questions for everyone.
Joan Didion
Obama (doesn’t he seem like he would be such a warm dinner guest? And SO many things I’d love to ask)
Sufijan Stevens
Mary Kate + Ashley Olsen (I’m sorry, but I love them. I would talk for hours on fashion and influences in their life and businesses)
Julia Cameron (she is celebrated in almost every creative venture, and I would love her mentorship over some good whiskey)

I had to text to Ask this question because I can’t believe I left this out in original questions. What is that song that makes you come alive?

Young Blood by Noah Kahan, I listen to it everytime I travel somewhere!!!


If you want to connect with Kendall ///

Instagram / White Buffalo Project / Of Myth + Muse

*You should follow Kendall on Spotify because she makes new playlists every month.



We got the news yesterday that Salons and Barber Shops are not allowed to go back to work May 1st. Total Bummer but also I don’t know how I feel. I want to work but I want to work when everyone is in a healthy mindset and that’s not the case right now. So many feelings, opinions, and theories going on.

What we are doing now as Salon Owners to prepare for opening… when that day comes is implementing new rules and guidelines so that every stylist and every client feels safe and cared for when they walk through our doors. It will be so bittersweet. Here are just some of the things Grace and I went over today.

Making our shift schedule. Grace and I picked days for half the stylists to work at a time. We want to keep it a limited number of people working at a time with an empty station in between each person.

No stylist will be double booking because that would increase the number of people in the salon.

Clients and Stylists must wear masks at all times. No one will be allowed in that isn’t wearing a mask.

Clients will have to text when they are in the parking lot and they will be texted when to come up.

Every stylist will be responsible for communicating the rules to their clients so that everyone feels safe.

Making sure we have retail restocked for our clients.

Planning a deep clean once we know when we can go back.

Stay communicating with our team daily on SLACK.

We will not have our self service station with coffee or wine at this time to minimize germs being spread. So we will tell clients to bring a their Yeti’s of water, wine. We will still have La Croix, sodas, and beer since they are in a can and can be directly thrown away.

Every stylist will be responsible for having hand sanitizer at their stations.

No kids allowed whatsoever. One client per stylist at a time.

We will start booking clients once salons are allowed to open. Until then we will do our best to communicate with our clients on Instagram/ emails/ text / and blog.


To my clients personally :

I miss you all like crazy. I miss our conversations. I miss laughing with you, crying with you, and catching up on your life. Once I know a date we can open I will post on all my social media channels and you will get an email. Things are going to be different but this different way could be way better. Just depends how you look at it. Is there anything I can be doing right now to better support you or make you feel safe? Please let me know.

Are you following Do or Dye Tx on IG ? Right now we are continuing to do Product Orders!!! We are offering curbside pickup, shipping, or delivering within 3 miles of salon. If you need any products let me know. Send me a text or DM on Do or Dye Tx Instagram. If you need root color( not highlights) I can help you with that through Della Ricca, my friends professional at home color kits. This has been life saving for a lot of my loved ones right now. It’s so easy. I just send them your formula, they send you an invoice, and once you pay, they ship it to you right away. If you are not my client I can still help you, many people have been texting me photos of their hair so I can color match them. I’m here to help with your hair needs.

Once salons open up email for appointments.

See you on the Instagram until then.

