SUMMER OF YOGA /// Pop Up Shop


One bus, a few lucky ass Lululemon employees traveling all over the U.S. from Canada to host the best pop up shop you have ever been to. From Music Festivals to Big Cities this crew made a huge impact everywhere they stopped. One huge perk was hey had a limited supply of goods exclusively for the pop up shop called the Wanderlust line. So the kimono, top, workout bag and the two pants I got are not sold in stores. But when people ask where I got them I have an opportunity to share my experience. 

I asked Kelly and Jess from Lululemon to give a breakdown of what SUMER OF YOGA was all about. My only involvement was to capture great moments and document the whole experience. Like I said before, I love this company, the people who associate themselves with this company, and the community they are building everywhere they go. Such good times and good vibes. So yes, anytime they ask me to be involved I will say YES. 

Summer of Yoga Pop Up Shop

"No Shower Happy Hour" shopping experience out of the Summer of Yoga Airstream

  • Event Overview
    • [intention] create a unique shopping experience for Houston to connect, drink, and shop.
    • [shop] guests had access to 150 units of limited edition Wanderlust product. 
    • [sip] located in the parking lot of hip Houston restaurant Weights + Measures, guests were encouraged to grab food and bevis from inside before and after shopping.
    • created business cards to hand out 1 week before that were limited in information to create FOMO and buzz.
    • Houston Galleria Key Lead, Tyler owned creating the Friday night experience /// it was a great development opportunity for other employees to help work the event.
    • 2 weeks out: enrolled Houston store teams at city wide staff meeting fashion show
    • utilized an email list of 24,000 to invite the collective


Next up Summer of Yoga on a Yacht... 

If you missed my last post with Lululemon in Marfa CLICK HERE or SURFY SUNDAYS with Lululemon CLICK HERE




Kelly and I are stoked to announce that we will be hosting an event with Madewell this Thursday in the Houston Galleria! We invite you to come hang out, drink some bubbly, enjoy gluten free treats from Sweet Houston and get your photo taken (candid shots) by Micah Bickham. Madewell is giving our readers and friends a sweet discount while you shop so be sure to come from 6-8. We curated a rack of our favorite spring items and how we like to style them for you to check out and try on. We really look forward to seeing your face and also meet some new ones!

Madewell Houston Galleria
Thursday April 24th 6-8pm

RSVP HERE on FB so we can get an idea of how many of you are coming // If you don't have Facebook RSVP HERE by email.