found to-do list....

Photo of Jacob Busy Body October 1983

After dinner me and Brandi found Jacob's to-do list...pretty funny.
My favorite is "mild dusting" and the prize he gets at the end of the
day is a"Shipley Donut..."

Check out how much detail he put into this list. It's no longer a list, it's
a freaking outline for his next novel. No wonder he gets a donut, geez
give the boy a whole box after he cleans up the banana tree.


P.S. we later found out grandma was the one who put the earn a prize on the list BAHAHAHA!

Brandi's to- do list:
coffee and breakfast with Jacob
clean room
Alexa Chung (Lady Ga Ga and the cast of Glee on today)
work out
go to the sunchild and play with hair:)
displays for products
make appt books for hairstylists

Kelly's list 
print a design job
emails :(
attempt to knock out mountain of laundry
walk the dogs
pump it up (at the gym)
work on modifying a design to fit on buttons

persuade someone to get a martini with me my life's a thrill.