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Good morning! I've been in Nashville, TN the past couple of days visiting my loves and getting into funny shenanigans. It has truly been the best trip. I return to Houston tomorrow evening just before Brandi heads out to Costa Rica for her birthday (WOO!). I've been asking myself for a few weeks now why we have this desire to travel? What do I value when I travel? Am I escaping or am I seeking? 

I think the conclusion I've reached is that getting out of town, even if it's just an hour away from home, is like filling up the gas tank for me. Or maybe it's more like adding more tools to my tool box. It feeds my drive and my hunger to get more out of life and be a better person. It's a funny challenge because while traveling we are stripped from most of our "things" and "stuff" and routines. We talk to new people, share with old friends, we face new experiences and if we take the time to reflect, we may discover something new about ourselves. For me it's not an escape. I love my life. For me, it's about feeding/fueling the fire.

Are you escaping or seeking? Where is your next adventure we'd love to hear of some new places.