Remember when I said the title of my outfit posts were going to be my 2017 resolutions or goals?  Well this one is top of the list! It is so important for Jacob and I to just have one on one time together and just have fun. We fill our schedules up with friends and family so much and sometimes we forget or we don't have a night free to schedule "us" time. We don't want to continue that so we now have printed out calendars on the fridge where we actually have all our plans written out including DATE NIGHTS.

 Saturday night after I got off work Jacob and I made plans to have a shopping date and go to dinner. We needed to buy new swimsuits for this weeks vacation but after one fitting room session I was over it! Does anyone love trying swimwear on? The lighting in those rooms is awful! Change the lights and maybe people would buy more! Geez. Anyway... we proceeded to shop but not for bathing suits. The highlight of the night was finding a denim cut off RompHIM (romper for a dude). When I saw the light beaming down on it I had to get Jacob to put it on. I found these Shiny Silver High tops that I added to his pile. Pretty sure all the people in line for the dressing room didn't appreciate us taking time for a little photoshoot. Oh well!  If you are curious about this look he posted it on his IG @jacobslisenbe and sadly we did not go home with these items which we are kind of regretting. I mean how awesome would it be for Jacob to roll up in this get up? I would love to see the look on peoples faces. Dang it! Now I wish he would have worn it to True Foods that night. Hopes and Dreams....

This Dress and Sunnies were just a couple of items I bought that night. I'm pretty excited about my purchases because they are very different from my normal work wardrobe but still completely my style. What are some stores you are loving lately? 

Boots /// Cobra Rock 

Dress /// Zara (current) - I just think this looks better opened rather than buttoned all the way down. I am pretty short so this length would be very unflattering on me if I wore it closed up. It would look like a potato sac on me. I would totally wear this with cut off shorts too and maybe some platforms to make me taller. 

Leggings ///  - They sent these to me after our Marfa Retreat and they are the most comfortable pants ever. They are high waisted too so they don't cut off at an awkward area like right in the middle of your muffin top! I like wearing shorts or pants under dresses so I don't flash anyone. 

Sunnies ///  Cheap sunnies are ideal for beach vacations which is why I bought these. If they fall into the ocean or get all scratched up by the sand no biggie! 

Bucket Bag /// Hatton Henry - I love this bag so much I have it in small and in large! 

Gold Bangles /// Gifted or Thrifted - I love how small they are! 

Watch ///  - Jacob got me this watch because my fit bit kept breaking. I am still trying to figure out all the things I can do with this gadget. Love it!

Hair /// Waving Iron  - People keep asking me about our waving iron and they can't find it anywhere. But we have them for sale at Do or Dye TX so come on in. I only wash my hair once a week and style it with the wave iron on Day 1 and then the rest of the week I'm set! 












On Brandi///
Sunnies, Shirt, Skirt, Shoes, Necklace, Board,  Camera
On Kelly///
Sunnies, Shirt, Vest (I cut the sleeves off on mine), Shorts, Boots
 This weekend we went to see The Wandering Bufaleros and Fire Moth play at Fitzgeralds. It was one of those nights where Kelly and I just wanted to stay in PJ's and watch movies, but we made ourselves go out and we were super glad we did. We hung out with friends that we hadn't seen in a while and it felt awesome to let loose and rock out. Then we did the unthinkable. We got Jack n' The Box, scarfed it down, then hit the hay. Sunday morning we woke up immediately regretting our fast food sins of the night. The good thing was we finally got the the lazy morning we have been craving all week. We woke up late, did our usual walk to Black Hole, got rained on, met up with our pal Joe, went out around town, did a little skating, a little more rain fell on us, and then ended our weekend back in PJs just  right back to work. Oh yeah, I almost forgot the highlight of our evening. Our friend Ashley texted that she wanted swirll so I just  casually said "hey guys, I want Swirll" and instantly Jacob and Kelly, all big eyed and bushy tailed said, "ME TOO, I was just thinking of that." SWIRLL, you have our hearts. Maybe we got wild with a movie, maybe not.