TRAVEL /// Luggage and a little FYI


On Jacob ///
Shirt /// Pants /// Sunnies /// Sandals /// Wrist /// In Hand /// Hat /// Water Bottle

We are headed out again next week and we have been searching for a complete luggage set. Right now everything is all mix and matched... which I don't mind but Jacob likes things to go together. Places we've been looking are here, here, and here.  We definitely want most of our luggage to roll so we don't have aching hunch backs carrying everything across the airport. Ya feel me on that?

Oh and just a little FYI ///

Middle seat passengers get both armrests, I can't believe how many people choose to ignore this or do not know. But think about it, that poor middle person has nowhere to lean or escape.


You might be wondering why I am starting my Costa Rica posts on day 4. Well this is because at first I was only going to bring disposable cameras (regular and underwater) and one borrowed underwater video camera (thanks Brandy Chu). Well last minute I changed my mind and cleared off 2 memory cards for my Ol' Faithful G-11, but I forgot to grab them! DOH! I had my camera with no cards, NO!!!!!!! The Hotel gift shop didn't have any either so I just used my disposables until day 4.

Day 4 went went something like this:
-woke up at 6:30 am, this was hard since we stayed up all night dancing (this was the first night we jumped in the pool with our clothes on).
-grabbed breakfast
-headed to Tamarindo to go surfing at Iguana Surf School with David (he was awesome)



















_WR_3622 We had no idea that there was a professional photographer on the beach shooting us. Photography by: Fabian Sanchez