
TRAVEL /// Luggage and a little FYI


On Jacob ///
Shirt /// Pants /// Sunnies /// Sandals /// Wrist /// In Hand /// Hat /// Water Bottle

We are headed out again next week and we have been searching for a complete luggage set. Right now everything is all mix and matched... which I don't mind but Jacob likes things to go together. Places we've been looking are here, here, and here.  We definitely want most of our luggage to roll so we don't have aching hunch backs carrying everything across the airport. Ya feel me on that?

Oh and just a little FYI ///

Middle seat passengers get both armrests, I can't believe how many people choose to ignore this or do not know. But think about it, that poor middle person has nowhere to lean or escape.

THE PACKING LIST /// 5 Day Carry-on


I recently posted a photo of myself  (on Instagram)  with my luggage standing outside IAH airport and I received a lot of packing questions/comments. It seems there's a lot of us out there that are challenged when it comes to packing light. It's the same tango every trip.  I've come to the conclusion that I will always feel that I never pack right. I will always get to my destination, open my bag and think I've packed too much/too little.

This last trip I took to Nashville was a 5-6 day stay and I felt that it was the closest I've come to successful packing, so with all those questions/comments in mind, I wanted to share my winning combination with you. Two bags. One duffle and one backpack.

IN MY DUFFLE (some of these items are what I wore to the airport)
Undies + Bras // 1 sports bra, 1 nude (for white), 1 cage back (for shirts the bra is exposed), 2 pairs of socks, swimsuit
Workout Gear // 2 pairs of stretchy pants + 1 pair of tennis shoes
Pants // 1 classic (waxed denim skinnies. Double as dress pants), 1 bold/trendy (high waisted floral skinnies), 1 short (short overalls)
Tops // 2 Tees (black/white), 1 graphic tee, 1 demin, 2 blouses, 2 sleep/workout shirts
Jackets // 1 Denim, 1 Knit, 1 Hoodie (for around the house or layer under denim for extra warmth)
Something dressy // 1 dress or nice romper
Toiletry + Make-up Bag // I usually stick to the basics here so I can combine everything in one bag.
Shoes // Tennis, Black shoe, Brown shoe. I love boots, so I packed my Talons (double as my dressy shoe/boot) and South Highlands.
Dryer Sheet // I keep one in the duffle so my clothes don't start smelling stale.
I like to roll my outfits together. I have a lot of items to mix and match once I get rolling, but for starters I usually like to have three set things I know I want to wear together and rolled up separate for an quick grab. Also, if I'm unsure about laundry options, I'll take a pillowcase or plastic grocery bag to keep my dirty clothes separate from my clean clothes. The dryer sheet comes into play once again.

Cheap Sunnies // I've lost too many favorites
Camera // I took my film camera because it's small and it would force me to print the photos from my trip.
Reading material + Journal
Fanny pack (used as purse while traveling. With a camera, I like my hands free and no purse to lose)
Toothbrush + chapstick
I usually like to leave room in my backpack in case I end up buying something while traveling. 

Tee Shirt // Black acid washed short sleeved tee
Hat + Sunnies + Accessories // Flip your hat upside down when going through security and put all your Accessories and phone in it.
Denim Jacket // Most versatile
Black waxed denim skinnies // Perfect incase I spill something on the plane
Zip up high tops  // I wore these shoes because they are light, comfortable and have a zipper which is perfect for getting through security quickly... and they look rad :)

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any trips + tricks when it comes to packing light.

Roadtrips, post office, handmade calendars, cleaning & Bruce

Kelly's on a roadtrip this week to visit her long distance love. Downtown Alan Brown. All the way to Lubbock... ouch 9 hours in the car with her doggy Zeke. I miss you sister. Have fun and be safe!


So Im gonna keep busy and make more calendars with file folders, fabric, stickers, tape, thread, and random paper. This will keep me organized for the holiday season. I will be selling 2010 calendar sets at the salon &  on etsy soon. They are super rad!

Get your Bueno Bueno Key necklace before they run out. Great for gifts!  Images that I have right now: firebird, sun, cactus, rose&heart. $35 includes cute packaging and shipping.
email me

mailing some orders out today.

Jacob and I are listening to the Boss today. Live sessions 1975-1985. My uncle Woob has every album and has been a die hard fan forever, he brought this over yesterday because we didn't have them. Im so thankful that my family had amazing musical taste and brought me up on the best! Maybe that's why there are so many musicians in the fam. My Grandma is a piano and voice teacher so we are quite well rounded in what we listen to.( I still suck at piano). Didn't really appreciate it til later on in my life.

Wanna a helpful tip?
Keep drinking that organic apple cider vinegar. 2-3 times a day. My Belly is going down.
Thanks MARIMETHOD! I like it mixed with water and ice.Jacob mixes his with Juice. If you dont like drinking it pour some on your salad.