canyon lake







We packed our bags after work Thursday night and headed to our friends vacation home. We do this trip every year but its always a little different. Sometimes we spend the whole time at the lake, sometimes we go to the river, sometimes we sleep a lot, sometimes we rage, sometimes we cook a lot, sometimes we just eat out, sometimes we go to wineries, sometimes we play bartender, and sometimes we go on safari... This trip was just what our soul needed. Three couples, two babies, and a lot of laughter. If you follow me on Snapchat (BuenoBrandi) you saw all the things we crammed into 3 days. Surprisingly it was still super relaxing with all that we did. Where do you like to go to hit the reset button?

Canyon Lake
Dry Comal Winery
Guadalupe River
Salt Lick
Natural Bridge Wildlife Ranch
Baja BBQ Shack
Shade Tree
Driftwood Estate Winery
El Rodeo de Jalisco (Breakfast Tacos!)

Previous Posts at the Lake ///
Just some Film Shots in the Water
Weekend at Canyon Lake
Off To The Lake

Weekend at Canyon Lake

This weekend we headed to Canyon Lake to celebrate Memorial Day! We stayed at our friends Vacation house again. Remember last years trip? This trip was totally different. Totally Chill, we woke up whenever our bodies wanted too, we fell asleep when we wanted to, we made delicious meals and stuffed our faces, we read our books, we played at the lake, soaked up lots of sun, we laid around and watched Beverly Hills 90210, when there is a smaller group you can be lazier. It was the perfect weekend.  Kelly, Korey, and Jacob ended up not coming because they had too much work to do with Pinpoint Method and Band stuff (The 71's).




The Kings!
I heard a little kid say "Mom is that her real hair?"
This is one of my methods for protecting my hair from the sun. Wear a wig!
Aye Aye Captain!
Uncontrollable laughter! My stomach hurts from this.

Woah WOah Woah! We have bruises and burns up and down our bodies but so worth it!
Where'd she go?
OMG! bahahahaha!!!! Ashley! hahahaha
She's Alive!
Ashley Finally got Instagram so go check out her photo's from the lake ashley0bbtron
Typical Snapshot in the mirror! Why are these so fun to me?
 Morning! Do we have to go back home? Because I don't wanna!
Beer. Onions. Butter. Grill. Wanna see what we grilled? Check it out on Instagram - LisenbeSquared

SFP: Just a few Film shots in the water.

  Friday- Jacob hanging at the river
 Usually we float the river but since we haven't had rain in months it's too low, but it's all good, this river spot was so much fun! We all had fun taking turns on the rope.
 I'm just soaking up the sun.
 Saturday- on Canyon Lake we had 13 people,  2 boats, beautiful water mixed in with a little cray cray. Good times!
Oh man the video's from this trip...
Saturday- after the lake we wanted to go back to the river spot for more fun in the sun, but after an hour or so, the majority of us ended up having nap time.

 Music. Water. Sun. SFP. what more could you want on the weekend?
matching cutie pies

We couldn't decide which shots from the river and the lake that we wanted to post because there is seriously thousands. We are actually still uploading them and then there's all the editing... UGH! Last night Lonnie emailed some film shots he took from the weekend and it made our night! We just took him to the airport Monday night and he already had these developed and sent over. Awesome dude. Wishishing that all the photo's were from film... That boy has mad skillzzzz with the camera, check out his site HERE.

Which do you prefer? Film or Digital?

to be continued...
