i told you there was a tutorial coming soon. i hope you love this as much as i do! works on clean hair, dirty hair, curly hair, straight hair, long hair... and if you decide to try it, please let me know what you think. do you like it? was it easy? does this style look good on you?
*if you have short hair and love the braid...YOU CAN do your own version of it:)
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i wanted to see if this hair do would stay in place after a work out (i ran outside and was soaked) and it did!!! * i just pinned my bangs back. i loved wearing my hair like this all day! it totally kept the hair off my neck, and sometimes the swing of my pony tail annoys me while i'm running. you know what i'm talking about?!
then the ponytail slaps you and gets stuck on your sweaty face. ugh i hate that! problem solved with this bohemian updo. this photo was taken after my workout, please excuse the sweat.
do you think you will try this? what do you think about the hair tutorials? do you want more tutorials, product knowledge, inspiration? if you have a specific request let me know.
follow my tweets @sunchildsalon
if you missed last tutorial don't worry. just click here.